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Kindred Love

Without a Family For Every Child in Eugene Oregon, Kindred would not have begun. A non profit adoption agency commited to finding a family that fits the child instead of making a child fit the family, gave our Kindred family, Michael.

To learn more about AFFEC :



The Kindred film follows the tale of Michael, a former foster child now adopted into a loving same-sex family home. Through interviews with him and other former fosters, adoption advocates, reporters, adoptive/foster parents and a former NYC family court judge; we present a weaving tale of how the system is tragically and sometimes fatally flawed.
In the beginning we meet Mike, now 18 years old. He walks us through his early recollections about his biological family. The neglect and abuses these innocent children suffer in childhood are openly, at times painfully shared.

Media Kindred



Nick Nehemas, Miami Herald reporter, shares how he broke a huge story on the financial problems plaguing the foster care system in the New York Daily News. He discusses how states and some foster parents are using the system for profit. When a state places a child in foster care, as opposed to investing the money into family reunification therapy, they receive a federal subsidy. This gives states the incentive to place kids in foster care that don’t necessarily need to be. Foster parents, as long as they are not related to the child, receive money monthly until the child reaches adulthood.


To read Nick's orginal article

Kindred Strength

Bonnie, our adult voice of love and reslienccy. After years in and out of care, her inner grace shows in her love and compassion for others. We are proud to say congratulations on your MBA!

Kindred Change

We are humbled to have been granted an interview with Danielle the founder of One Simple Wish, a non profit soley to support the needs and desires of children in care. Featured by both CNN in their Heros segment and the Huffington Post, Danielle is creating the change she wants in this world.

To see the amazing things possible because of her team visit:


Hoover Drive Kindred

Dedicated to Zena Meador the warrior mom of the orginal Hoover Drive home, our production company chooses to be as fearless as she was. Our goal is to make films that engage, enrage and empower all of us to be the change we want in the world. Amy and Rachel thank you all for going on this journey with us.

To see more about Kindred please visit our film bio page with film freeway

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